Sunday, February 20, 2011

National Museum of Scotland (again)

We went back to the National Museum of Scotland today. I really love it there but I'm going to love it a lot more when the renovation is finished later this year and they have a dinosaur exhibit! I can't wait!

I love the whole experience of going to the museum. We get the train in to Edinburgh and then walk up long steps of Fleshmarket Close (with Mummy complaining about her knees and holding her nose because of the smell!) and then try to find another close to explore to get to the High Street and beyond.

The first thing you meet in the museum isn't even an exhibit but is a lot of fun! It's a massive bowl for putting coins in. You drop a coin in the top and it runs around in large circles for what seems like ages before dropping into the narrow hole in the bottom - almost makes the trip worthwhile all on its own!

The special exhibit at the moment is on lighthouses. There's lots of interesting information about the history of lighthouses around the UK and an excellent wee hands-on display about light, mirrors, refraction and reflection that we played with for ages!

Always a winner at the musem is the Connect section. Lots of toys and robots to play with. I always make Daddy turn the handle to create the electricity to fire the little rocket. I tell him it's to see if he can make it reach the next floor but it always goes the same height, it's just to watch him get puffed and almost fall over when he's done!

One of the things to play with here are pulleys. There are three seats, each with a rope attached and over a different number of pulleys. You can sit on a seat and pull the rope and try to lift yourself. The more pulleys there are the easier it gets... Although you can't really tell from my face on the EASIEST seat!

And then you can generate your own electricity. Turn the handles fast enough and you can power a light, a radio and a fan - no problem to someone as fast as me!

And then after Mummy spent a bunch of Daddy's money in the shops, it was home time again. Back on the train. Can't wait for the next museum visit.

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