Tuesday, January 05, 2010

More Sledging

We had more snow fall last night. And it's just too cold during the day for any of it to melt. So it was out for a bit more sledging again today. It's a wee trek to our new sledging hill - a rather large and steep one, but it's worth it.

First I had a wee go with Mummy. Mummy and Daddy say this hill is too fast for me to go down by myself. If I don't stop at the bottom then it'll be straight into the river with me. It was great fun with Mummy - nice and fast and straight and she made sure I was OK.

Then it was downhill with Daddy. He was in a hurry from the start and frankly made a right pig's ear of the whole event. He went too fast and then had trouble stopping and with all the snow his boots threw up we couldn't see a thing and ended up dangerously close to a tree and FREEZING cold. I demanded we go home right away and I'm never going out in the snow again. Because it'll take forever for me to warm up after that. You can't even see me behind the wall of snow in this picture but I am there. Honest.

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