Sunday, June 14, 2009

Loch Morlich

We're just back from a few days at Granny and Grandpa's. The weather was... Changeable! But we got a really nice day when we went to Loch Morlich. It's a really lovely place with what's now a Seaside Award winner even though I'm not sure you can get much further away from the coast!

I paddled about for ages, the water was lovely. But Daddy, the big wimp, he came in and claimed the water was so cold his legs went numb and he got a sore head. Thankfully Mummy isn't so soft and was available to come to my rescue when I overestimated the length of my legs and ended up almost waist deep and not sure which way to move for fear of making things worse. Thank you Mummy for saving me, especially since although your legs are longer, you trousers didn't go up as high and you got pretty wet too!

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