Tuesday, July 24, 2007

School Report 2007

I got my nursery report today. It's really a report for the next class teachers' for when I join it. It'll be pre-school. Anyway, I thought I'd show it here so you can all see how I'm doing:

"Edan has a great vocabulary and enjoys and encourages long conversations with staff and children. He enjoys and becomes engaged in all activities. Edan is very good at making choices and decisions and will negotiate with staff and children over activities and toys. Edan is very good at puzzles but sometimes he has problems and will ask for help.
"He will help with tasks and follows instructions very well. He will also help tidy up with a little encouragement.
"Edan is fully toilet trained and has been for some time. He is able to use the toilet as required and pull his trousers and pants up and down by himself and will wash his hands although sometimes needs prompting."

Not bad, eh? Mummy and Daddy were impressed too.

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