Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Mr. Potato Head

Hiya! We went up north at the weekend to see Granny and Grandpa and Auntie Carol. It was good fun. Some would say too good as I did everything I could to not sleep (which resulted in people having to work very hard to amuse me)! I had a nice present from Granny's friend Edith. It was a tent for me and was a lot of fun. No pictures yet but maybe there'll be some on here soon. We went to see Edith to say thank you and had a walk around the duck pond. There were loads of baby ducklings that all came out to see me. Probably had something to do with the bread I was feeding them..!

We saw Auntie Carol a few times over the weekend. When we went to her house I played with the Mister Potato Head. I usually play with this but normally it's with Playdoh. Except the Playdoh had gone hard so we used a REAL POTATO. These old people are really funny: I would never have thought of doing that!


Unknown said...

Hello Edan - a REAL potato huh? What will they think of next?

Auntie Lesley and Uncle Roger are really enjoying your blog - especially the tale of the sticker which went in your mouth of its own accord...

Will see you all in a few weeks.

Love from L & R xxx

Unknown said...

Well done with all that gardening Edan - get Daddy to check your fingers to make sure they haven't gone green...

Missing you all loads.

Love from Lesley and Roger xxx