Tuesday, February 20, 2007

At the carwash

I helped Daddy wash the car at the weekend. It was so dirty it really did need both of us. Daddy wanted me to wear a pinny but as he wasn't wearing one I didn't see why I should have to. Besides, my trousers and jacket needed a wash of their own anyway.

After washing the car we went to Matthew's birthday party at the Almond Valley Heritage Centre. It was a lot of fun. I spent ages in the softplay area, even nipping back when the party room seemed a bit dull! We had a go on the trailer being pulled by the tractor around the farm and saw baa baa black sheep; some 2 week old lambs; a couple of little highland cows (Daddy's favourite) and lots of ducks. I then fell asleep on the way home and wouldn't properly wake up for ages, no matter how much Mummy and Daddy tried.

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