Sunday, December 24, 2006

Santa Stop Here!

It has been a little while since I made a blog entry because I have been so busy preparing for Christmas. I've seen Santa twice, once at the shopping centre and once when he came to my nursery Christmas party. So, I'm very excited about Christmas, and today daddy and I put up my "Santa Stop Here For Edan" sign so Santa will know where to find me. Mummy says he would know where to find me anyway because he is magic, but it's better to be safe than sorry I think! I am going to bed soon, but before I do, I have to put out a mince pie and a glass of milk for Santa, a carrot for the reindeer, and hang up my stocking. Then I think I'll have a nap for a couple of hours before I get up again.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Last week we went on hodilay to see Granny and Grandpa. It's always good when we go to see them. It's a long drive but I usually sleep most of the way and if I wake up mummy always gives me chocolate ;-)

I played golf with Granny. She is very good. She almost won!

We took the holiday because it was Daddy's birthday. It was late this year because of mummy - what else would be the reason? Anyway, as it was birthday related, we had to have cake! Daddy needed some help blowing the candles out so it was lucky for him that I was there!

And while we there we were lucky to be visited by my friend the red squirrel. It's a very cheeky beastie but it came along enough for us to get some photos and a wee shot of it on video. I like the squirrel.

We also saw Auntie Carol and Uncle Dave, who are saps that are really easy to con chocolate out of. But Auntie Carol has a superb new car that I managed to get my mucky shoes all over her leather seats before it was 1 day old! Serves her right for not getting a car with enough room for a baby seat.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Yummy Cake

Auntie Vikki and Uncle Ian visited this afternoon. They brought chocolate cake to celebrate daddy's birthday and I had some. It was yummy. And it was a lot of fun scaring mummy and daddy after I'd eaten it. And I'm sure it doesn't really matter that I wiped my hands on the carpet before mummy got a chance to wash them!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Birthday Daddy

It's my daddy's birthday today. He's the big three-oh. That's ancient. Anyway, my mummy bought him a Playstation 2 as a present. This is a picture of me playing Dora the Explorer on it. I'll let Daddy play sometime. Maybe when he's thirty-one...

I gave him some Tigger socks. They're really cool. I'd like some too - hint, hint...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Sorry Mummy

Dinner was good tonight. I had vegetable fingers, beans, sweetcorn and onion. It was all going down well until the onion offended me. It's a vegetable that normally I would eat happily but this time it made me throw it across the room. You can see it stuck to the kitchen wall in this photo. Rather impressive I thought. Of course, I immediately apologised. A strategically placed "Sorry, Mummy" is good for a bit of chocolate. Didn't seem to work this time for some reason...

Just the one Uncle Ian

Daddy took me to see my Gran and Grandad at the weekend. I asked if we could also see Auntie Vikki. And Uncle Ian. Just the one Uncle Ian - not two Uncle Ians. Just the one. It would be a long drive for someone if we were to see the other Uncle Ian as well, because he lives 200 miles away.

Friday, November 17, 2006

It's bath time!

While getting bathed tonight, I though daddy needed a wee wash as well. He seemed to disagree but I was having none of his excuses. I always know best when water is around. That bathroom floor really needed a wash as well...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Old friends

An old neighbour came to visit today. Joshua used to live a couple of doors down from us and he and I were great friends. Unfortunately he moved away about a year ago but we hope to see each other a few times a year. It was his birthday last week so we had cake for him and a present. I like cake. Yum! We had good fun playing with my toys, it was very good to see him again. I'm hoping to visit him before Christmas.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I need to foof it

Every night before bed mummy makes me hot chocolate. I get to drink it through a straw before I brush my teeth and get my stories and songs. But sometimes it's a wee bit needing to cool down for me. I usually foof it to try to help it cool down.

Friday, November 10, 2006

It's a wee bit raining out here

The weather has been really horrible today - it's been raining heavily all day. Not surprising since it's November but it's been quite dry and cold recently. I love jumping in the puddles so when the rain eased off I bit I popped outside for a wee bit of a splash.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Can we break it?

Yes we can!

Mum and dad have got new conservatory blinds at last. So I helped to remove the foosty old ones. I love breaking things! The new blinds are *not* green and therefore loads better. The conservatory is a much nicer place to be now. Just in time for the cold winter where it'll be too cold to be no matter what colour the blinds are!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

All Hallows Eve

Last week, it was Halloween, and Mummy made me a cowboy costume so I could look just like Woody. As usual, she left it to the last minute and got all stressed thinking she wasn't going to be able to do it, and, also, as usual, she pulled it off. I had a great time at the Halloween party at nursery. I didn't go guising though, as Mummy and Daddy think I'm still a bit wee. Mummy had bought lots of goodies for guisers coming round, but no-one turned up and she ended up eating a whole box of marshmallow bites herself. She still feels sick (and on a bit of a sugar high).

Friday, September 29, 2006

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Fence Painting

Time to paint the back fence and Mummy really needed a hand - it would take her forever to complete it on her own and I couldn't have that. Of course, I wasn't going to let the fact that the fence is over three times my height stop me getting it all done. There are ways to reach the top spars.

And I think there's more paint on the fence than there is on me - no matter what Mummy says.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

St Andrews!

We went to the beach at St Andrews today. It may be August but it's still Scotland and it was rather windy and cold. Didn't stop me paddling in the sea though!

It was lots of fun playing and sinking in the wet sand. I love the beach!

Friday, July 28, 2006


Auntie Lesley and Uncle Roger were here today and Auntie Lesley took me to the park and pushed me on the swing. It was loads of fun and I wish she could be here more often.