Saturday, April 26, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lego Exhibit

Mum took me to a Lego exhibit in Edinburgh. It was very cool with lots of models, may of them of historical scenes. I think I need more Lego!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Double Figures

It's another birthday and we know what that means, right? CAKE!

There was one at Granny and Grandpa's:

And then a very special one at home!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Can't catch enough crabs

Straight back to the pier for more crabs today!

And we found a Minion!

Then it was back to the beach after lunch. Well, it's been at least 24 hours! Dad hasn't built an awesome castle yet - it was time to rectify that!

And then obviously, I needed to destroy it.

Wednesday, April 09, 2014


Wait, we've been here 4 days and haven't been fishing for crabs yet? Can't wait any longer - let's go!

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Did someone say beach?

Clearly we haven't been to the beach enough so far so it was off to Findhorn beach today. It was beautiful if a little breezy!

So we made the best of it and got the kite out! It nearly pulled Mum off her feet!

Dad was fine with my help.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Roseisle Beach

Another day, another beach! After all of our visits to this area this was our first time to Roseisle Beach. Just another lovely beach on the Moray coast - but this one has war defences!

And there was more forest to explore!

It's not easy being this cool, you know?!

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Culbin Sands

We're back in Findhorn! We simply cannot get enough of this place. Easter rather than summer this year - let's hope the weather holds for us. Today we headed to Culbin Sands for a walk along the beach and through the woods.

It's a great beach and very easy to have fun - just ask Mum!

The woods were great too. Lots of places to explore and trees to climb. Here's Mum climbing a tree.

And here's Dad climbing a tree!

He wanted to go higher but Mum wouldn't let him!

We found a great tree-swing that we simply couldn't get Mum off!