Thursday, December 31, 2009

Frozen Veg

Since the snow stopped for a bit this afternoon, Daddy and I went outside to play in it for a wee while. We played in the undisturbed snow in out back garden - it's not undisturbed any more! It took some digging, but we discovered that Mummy has been growing frozen brussels sprouts.

There were also some frozen carrots but they weren't big enough for our requirements so one was retrieved from the fridge!

Stir Crazy

It started snowing here 2 weeks ago and it's still snowing now. Thankfully it has stopped occasionally (not like Granny's - don't think we'll be seeing her before summer with all the snow she's got), but we've been stuck inside a lot. And since some of my best Christmas presents were Lego, we've managed to build almost all my Lego (only pieces left are the pieces without instructions).

Daddy wouldn't let me play with it until it was all built but he promised we can play with it now that it's all complete. He's going to be the baddies (robbers, Indiana Jones baddies, storm troopers and Power Miners) and I'll be the goodies (police, firemen, coast guard, Indiana Jones et al and rock monsters). We'll split the remaining pieces evenly (in such a way that I have the most and the best ones!). It's taken several days to build, I wonder just how long it'll take for The Great Battle to reduce it to single pieces again?!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone else had as good a day as I've had. Everyone has given excellent gifts. We're going to have loads of fun playing with them all - it's just as well school doesn't go back for ages!

Thank you to everyone who gave me a gift and Merry Christmas to all!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009


There's been excellent snowfall the past few days but Daddy has been feeling a bit ill with what he calls 'Man Flu'. Thankfully he was feeling a bit better this afternoon and we were able to go out with the sledge for a while and have loads of fun. Luckily Daddy was feeling strong enough to pull the sledge to the top of the hill every time for me!

We were sledging in several places nearby, one place in particular was quite steep and if you're not really careful you're likely to fall of the sledge...

Rather then being sympathetic, Mummy found it very funny. But I soon got payback!

I hope everyone else is having as much fun in the snow.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Making wrapping paper

I made some wrapping paper for Mummy's christmas presents at Gran and Grandad's. Check it out - we're all really pleased.