Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dance Video

We were at the wedding of an old friend of Daddy's last night. Auntie Vikki and Uncle Ian were there too which was great because Mummy and Daddy disappeared but Uncle Ian stayed with me and danced for ages. I think he liked all the attention I was getting for him. The band were really good and before we went home Daddy and I went and thanked them for playing such good music.

I stayed up later than I've ever stayed up before and it was great fun. You can see in the video, that Uncle Ian took below, how much fun I was having - and this was just during the band's interval while everyone was at the buffet!

Monday, July 06, 2009

Lochore Meadows

Daddy and I went to see Gran and Grandad while Mummy was working on Saturday. It was a really sunny day so we went to Lochore Meadows. They have a nice park there where we had a go on the swings and some fun rolling down the hill. Although I was a bit worried I'd hurt some bees so I didn't do too much rolling. Daddy says the park isn't as good as it was when he was little. I think that's mainly because they've taken down the rope slide. It has a bunch of new climbing things and chutes for little kids and I really enjoyed myself.

The area used to be a coal mine and they still have an old train they used to transport the coal and I played in it for ages. Daddy and I climbed all over it. Daddy didn't mind me climbing around the edges because he knows I'm a great climber but he was really worried when I managed to get my head and shoulders through the bars on the window in the photo below!

They've still got the old winding wheel here over the (now concreted over) pit shaft. It's really big. If you look closely enough, you may be able to see me in the photo below - heading through the grass to get a closer look at the wheel.