Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Fort George

It was another busy day today with very mixed weather. It started looking pretty wet so we headed for Fort George. We'd tried Fort George last year but it was so miserable when we got there we just turned and came away again. This time it wasn't so bad. Although we were lucky to make it because we met some Europeans on the road in driving towards us on the wrong side of the road and although Dad knew what was happening it seemed to take them some time work out it was them that were in the wrong and needed to move - the look on the European lady's face in the passenger seat would have been a sight if we could have seen it behind her hands!

Fort George was great fun. Even in the rain! We saw lots of dolphins - even in the fog! We obviously had a sword fight. And had a wee cake and glass of milk before leaving.

In the guard house:

Fighting with Dad:


This is embossed on top of the cannon:

You don't see many of these about at home but there were lots up here.

Is it just me, or does this look like a model to you too? I can assure you it's not, it's real, we were all in it. And it's really very nice...

It's a big place. And perfectly symmetrical. I was learning about symmetry at school this term. That's me in this picture by the way.

After some lunch we went to the Findhorn Foundation to try to see the artist we saw last year. Mum and Dad has spotted a picture of his they wanted to buy. Unfortunately he wasn't around but we had a bit of a wander around the Foundation while it was fair. We might have had a cake at the cafe too - I can't keep The Folks out of there!

Then I insisted we go crab fishing again! When we parked up it was like this:

But a few minutes later it was like this!

And a few minutes after that it was like this!!!

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