Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Fence painting

Mummy was in hospital last week for a wee operation. In order to give her peace, Daddy figured it would be a good idea to paint the fence. The fence badly needed painted and it would keep him and me busy for a few hours and out of Mummy's way while she got better. You can see us here about a third of the way in.

Except that photo is completely staged and I'm posing under duress. I had agreed with Daddy that painting the fence was a good idea and would be a lot of fun. But after one spar (and saturating two paint-brushes - that was fun!) it turned out that painting the fence was boring. So I went and bothered Mummy and left Daddy to finish it. He made quite a good job though.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Why am I not surprised?!!