Wednesday, February 27, 2013

XBOX Live!

I don't feel very well. I've got another cold. I seem to have had a few of these recently. Can't beat a bit of online gaming with my Auntie to cheer me up though!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Morning in Kirkcaldy

Mum wanted to go to a shop in Kirkcaldy to buy some curtains. Seeing as that was so incredibly dull, Dad made sure we went on a day when the Farmers Market was in town. This meant we could enjoy some freshly smoked Arbroath Smokies!

So we trotted up, had a very quick check of the other stalls (tried some fudge!) and then stood in the queue for the fish.

The fish was lovely, although a wee bit cooler than we'd hoped having just been smoked. Afterwards, Dad and I played tig while Mum spent a bunch of money buying fudge (of course!), buffalo minute steak, wild boar sausages and some other fresh meats.

After the market we headed to the curtain shop. It wasn't any less dull so Dad and I went to the beach instead! The tide was right into the prom wall so I had fun trying avoid the wave splashes. Trying is the important word here. I failed. And they got me. I was soaked! It was very cold but I took it like a man and we had a good laugh. Luckily Mum was nearly finished at the curtain shop and then we could head home for some hot chocolate. Unfortunately, without a change of trousers, we couldn't drop in on Gran and Grandad on the way home to say hi...

Saturday, February 16, 2013


I've got a cold. That means it's OK to slide across Mum's new automan, pushing off from her sofa. At least, Dad thinks it's OK. Please, no one tell Mum!