Monday, December 26, 2011

Thank You Cards

After the fun of yesterday, it's time to begin writing the thank you cards...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011!

Happy Christmas, everyone!

Winter Walk

A week before Christmas and it's time for our annual walk, whether we want to or not. It was a beautiful but freezing day which resulted in only one of us falling on the ice once. I don't want to give away who it was but it wasn't Mummy or Daddy.

We had a nice walk to and around a local pond managing to collect a couple of local geocaches that had eluded us until now too! There was plenty ice to keep us amused; even the old folks seemed to enjoy breaking ice, although they did get a bit fed up with me when I wouldn't leave one large puddle and come home for some hot chocolate!

Daddy took a few pictures while we were out. He's got a fancy gadget on his phone for taking photos that look almost as old as Mummy and he uses this as a way to cover up his lack of talent and then displays the photos to anyone passing. And anyone reading this blog post...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Moves Like Jagger

It was Astro Gymnastics' 15th anniversary this weekend and all the members were involved in displays. We had an open day for folk to just drop in and we did a few displays. Dad filmed mine (from the side) on his phone for you all to see. Enjoy! I did.