This is the contents of my final nursery report. This one goes to school to warn the school teachers what kind of kid I am. I know there are a few teachers read this blog so if you could leave comments with translations of the code you guys use so that I know what they're really saying I'd appreciate it.
Personal and Social DevelopmentEdan is a happy, confident child who enjoys nursery. He is very independent. He shows great curiosity and is intrinsically motivated to learn and thus often takes the lead in directing his own learning. He follows the rules and routines within the playroom well and perseveres at both self selected and adult directed tasks. He is a sociable child and has many positive relationships with children and adults alike.
Communication and LanguageEdan is an effective communicator with both children and adults. He speaks clearly and with confidence. He is comfortable when asked to share his thoughts and ideas with others and demonstrates good listening skills when listening to others. He has contributed positively to many planning discussions and has influenced the learning opportunities within the playroom. Edan enjoys reading and listening to stories. He has very good decoding skills and interprets a picture well. He is now applying these skills to the written word recognising both familiar words and sounding out others. Edan has good pencil control and his written marks are now forming legible words.
Knowledge and Understanding of the WorldEdan has a good grasp of numbers to 100 both in number recognition and 1-1 counting. He has an excellent understanding of early mathematical concepts in Shape, Pattern, Measurement, Time and Information Handling. Edan is very inquisitive, and shows a great deal of interest and curiosity in the world around him by observing and asking questions to gain knowledge and understanding of everyday happenings. He has particularly enjoyed our Eco initiatives and has contributed many ideas to our Spring Planting and Waste Minimisation activities.
Expressive and Aesthetic DevelopmentEdan can often be found engrossed in imaginative play in the Dolls' House or demonstrating his understanding of the world around him in role-play in the house corner. He participates well at daily music time and enjoys all musical activities e.g. playing an instrument for The Band Song, or being an elephant for the Elephant Song. Although Edan enjoys manipulating the playdough and can often be found creating a variety of shapes, he does require adult encouragement to involve himself in other tactile activities such as gluing, painting and model making.
Physical Development and MovementEdan often comments on snack and whether or not the foods on offer are healthy or not. He has a good awareness of what food types should be eaten to keep a body healthy.
When outdoors Edan prefers to participate in group games e.g. "Duck, Duck, Goose" and "What's the Time Mr. Wolf?" however with encouragement he will use the physical apparatus and large wheeled toys. Edan's fine motor skills have developed well and he can complete jigsaws and construct with small Lego pieces with ease.
So, teachery-types. If you were getting this kid in your class, what would you be thinking now?