Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I've had a fantastic day. Take a look at this picture...

It feels like I've been opening presents for ages. And this doesn't include all the gifts Santa left me which are still upstairs. Mummy and Daddy have noticed a strange tradition I'm developing at Christmas time. For a few weeks (sometimes months) I wake very early in the morning (like before 6am) and come bother Mummy and Daddy and keep everyone awake. As Christmas draws closer I get more excited and wake even earlier. I know when Christmas is going to be because I have (this year at least) 3 different advent calendars counting the days down. But then on Christmas morning, I wake just before 6am, wander past the stockings that Santa has left (it is dark at 6am in winter), go to Mummy and Daddy's room, crawl into bed and fall asleep for another hour or so. Then when I finally awake, I still need to be told it's Christmas day and go back to my room to find what Santa has left for me!

It was a good haul this year, couple of notable things were the snippety-snoppety thing that I threw an unusually large tantrum about in Marks & Spencer. I guess Santa knew how much I really wanted it. And also, I've seen Santa a couple of times in shopping centres (do you think it's the real Santa?) and explained that what I wanted was two pounds. With two more pounds I will have saved up enough money to pay for half the Goodies' Castle and Daddy said that when I did that he'd put the other half in and buy it for me. Well, Santa left a two-pound coin in a wee bag for me. Woohoo!

But that's not the best part... Mummy and Daddy had actually already bought the Goodies' Castle as a Christmas present for me (it's not in the picture above - it's too big and I hadn't received it yet) so now I have a bunch of money I can spend on other things.

Granny and Grandpa are with us for Christmas and it's extra fun having more folk here opening presents with me. It's been a really good year. A big thank you to everyone who gave me presents - I love everything!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

He'll be on his way...

Posting's been a bit slow recently. It's been pretty dark and cold so we haven't been doing much. Swimming classes have finished and I've improved loads over the last 12 weeks or so. I'm already signed up for the new class in the new year and hope to do even better this time around.

All I've really been thinking about for the past month or so though is Christmas and Santa Claus. We're almost prepared. This is me putting up the sign for Santa to know where I am. Tonight before bed I'll leave a mince pie and milk for Santa and some reindeer food for Rudolph. I can't wait!

Monday, December 08, 2008


We've been given our parts in this year's nursery nativity play for this year and I'm to be an angel. Mummy says the casting goes completely against type. Especially since we're into the pre-Christmas behavioural meltdown. But I am so cute though...

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Sledging at last

Although it's been extremely cold for a while (minus 7 when we were up north last week), we haven't had any real snow. Plenty frost, but no snow. Until today. There was just enough snow and it stayed just long enough to finally get the sledge out. I don't know who was more excited, Daddy or me! He initially didn't think there was enough to go sledging proper and it was late after nursery and dark, but Mummy wasn't home yet so Daddy and I nipped out to the back garden with the sledge. To begin with, Daddy just pulled me around the garden, then he decided to go check out the wee hill beside the nursery... And it still had snow! We were still sledging there when Mummy came to find us and all three of us played there for half an hour - Daddy still in his work shoes and shirt!

We had loads of fun and can't wait for the next fall of snow to do it again. Here's a wee picture of me in the sledge, still in the cold wet clothes after we got home. We didn't have the camera with us at the time but it was probably too dark for any photos anyway.


I was involved in a wee accident today. Nothing serious. At least I didn't think so. It did result in a round of phone calls and trip to the doctor though.

I was playing in the house corner at nursery when a room divider screen fell on me. It hit me in the back of the head and pushed me into the doll's cot which cut my forehead. It wasn't a big cut but it was deep and there was loads of blood. The top I was wearing is ruined. That didn't trouble me much though. Yvonne at nursery cleaned me up and stemmed the blood flow but apparently because there was an indentation (in my head) where I'd struck the cot I'd have to visit the doctor.

Yvonne phoned Mummy to explain. Mummy contacted Daddy in a typical Mummy panic and Daddy came up to nursery to take me to the doctor. By this time I was back playing with the toys but with the opportunity to go to the doctor in the snow I was out like a shot! On the way to the doctor, Daddy tried showing me how to slide in the snow - I need more practice at that. Once there, Daddy and I did some very difficult mazes in a book until the doctor could see us. The doctor did a whole bunch of checks to see how strong I was and hit my knees with a hammer. He said the wound needed stitches! When he went to get them Daddy explained that I might be sewn up like a piece of Mummy's cloth. But it was just paper stitches. Little plasters put over the cut in a cross.

Then it was straight back to nursery for me and back to work for Daddy. That night after nursery Daddy was having nothing of the invalid and took me sledging!

Monday, December 01, 2008

Chip off the Old Block

Look at the size of this chip! It's the biggest chip I've ever seen. I wonder how big the potato was? It must have been at least as big as my head. Wow!