They've got a large pet shop kind of like your usual Pets at Home type thing but with some more interesting animals. They had four skunk for sale. And the skunk were VERY smelly! Not a good advert - I certainly wouldn't be looking to buy them.
After a quick look around the animals for sale we went outside to the animal park. There's an odd range of animals out there. It's a bit like a cross between a zoo and a bizarre farm. With fields or pens for each of the animals. They've got lamas, pigs, lots of ducks of varying kinds, black swans, at least three different kinds of lemurs, parrots, rabbits, chipmunks, donkeys, emus (2 different kinds), wallabies, goats... And loads more - read their website or go along to see for yourself. But on the subject of goats...
You can buy some food for the animals and you can feed any of them this food and almost all of them know you have it and go a bit wild for it (the porcupines were very funny expecting it and then arguing with each other when we eventually gave them some). Some of the animals can get a bit impatient - like the goat in the picture below. I was just about to throw some over the fence for it and it couldn't wait. Another half centimetre and I'd have been concussed by this thing. No grudges though - it was eating out of my hand a few minutes after this photo was taken.
Half way around there's a wee section for picnics (as long as you buy them there!) and the kids to have a play. There's buggies, a large sandpit, swings and a bit raised platform so that you can see over the park. Up in the corner though was something fenced off that no one else had seen, but I spotted it from the raised platform and headed straight there. It was a zip-line and I'd never been on one before, not even sure if I've seen one before but it looked like fun. And it was! I made Daddy pull the zip-line back up to the top over and over again and push me harder and harder. It was great fun!